
This section provides an introduction to users, at the beginning of the game, two zombies will be spawn at locations where marker A and B appears. The AR will use that two location to position the zombies. Users can customize the letter A, and B by any pictures then use the Marker Training to extract the patterns from that pictures. The URL for marker training is : shorturl.at/kGN58.

After spawning, zombie will look for the base then moving toward that base in 5 seconds. Upon reaching the base, zombies start attacking the base

Players shoot zombie by pointing the reticle directly onto the zombie.

Sound effects will be triggered in three stages: spawing, attacking, and firing depending on the stage of zombie.

Zombie has four stages of actions: Idle (when spawning), walking, attacking and death

This section provide an overview about the inventory such as gun type, bullets, level of difficulty....

This section will provide configuration of the AR application such as lighting, color, background ....TBA.